AA97 - The What & the How: Two Sides of Software Development
Arguing Agile PodcastJanuary 27, 2023x
00:50:5234.98 MB

AA97 - The What & the How: Two Sides of Software Development

In the agile software development discipline, the customer is represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The Business, who brings WHAT to build, and the team(s), who decide HOW it gets built. These are their stories.

Cue the Law and Order "DUN-DUN!"

On this episode, Product Manager Brian Orlando and Enterprise Agile Coach Om Patel talk about the two cycles that exist in product development, the "what" and the "how." We discuss how they should function in small, medium, and large businesses and the common dysfunctions that growth brings to the cycles.

0:00 Topic Intro: The How & the What
1:34 Small Companies
3:40 The First Product Manager
4:43 Small Company Issues
9:27 Process Changes
10:28 Selling Brian & Om's Small Business
13:29 Brian's Logistics - My New Company!
15:11 Dispatchers & Drivers, a Love Story
17:30 Segmenting by Expertise
20:20 Focus - Owning Product
22:27 Enter Product - Enter Problems
25:40 Starting New (or Like New)
27:47 Getting Outside Help
30:25 Coaching Leadership
33:09 The Ideal Scenario
36:49 Multi-Product How/What
40:13 Rapid Expansion or Growth
41:52 Now, You're BIG
49:19 Summary

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AA97 - The What & the How: Two Sides of Software Development

agile podcast,podcast agile,agile,scrum,agile project managment,product owner,scrum master,agile coach,agile software development,software development,program management,agile software teams,professional scrum master,arguingagile,