AA158 - What is Your Product Philosophy and Is That Even A Real Thing? (with Ed Martin)
Arguing AgileApril 03, 2024x
00:45:0731.01 MB

AA158 - What is Your Product Philosophy and Is That Even A Real Thing? (with Ed Martin)

What is a product philosophy and why does it matter? 

In this insightful episode, Ed Martin joins hosts Om Patel and Brian Orlando to discuss how clarifying your product principles and values can align your team and improve decision-making. 

Discover the difference between product philosophy, vision, and principles. Learn practical tips for formalizing your philosophy and applying it to real-world tradeoffs in features, technical debt, and go-to-market plans. Walk away with an understanding of how to establish a strong product philosophy for more cohesive, customer-centric products.

agile,arguing agile,product owner,scrum,product management,agile coach,product manager,scrummaster,scrum master,podcast,arguingagile,product philosophy,product principles,product vision,product decision framework,product leadership,